Have been caught out again by material I have written going missing as documented on the myhomecloud blog. In this instance I was in the middle of editing a wiki page which is something that should not be a problem. I was checking facts on other tabs in Firefox and something happened IN the browser resulting in all the work I'd already done but not yet saved being wiped. In this instance the server end software was certainly not implicated and it is more likely it was some background actions in Firefox. I have been caught out a couple of time with Firefox 'resetting' due to some update. That these do not give you any option to prevent it is what is wrong? Is it really necessary to interrupt ones current work flow with random updates. These things need to be taken in context and leave it to the user to manage what is going on.
Having tidied this up another little irritation poped up. The Linux desktop stopped responding! Mouse is still moving but nothing you click on works and does not switch windows. I had thought it was down to a flaky hard drive which has now been replaced ... AH the old drive is still mounted as I was cloning it's content. So lets get rid of it fully and see what happens. The computer is still running as I can SSH into it from another machine and manually reboot it so nothing is lost. After that it normally opens with a clean desktop and any libreoffice files can be recovered, so perhaps I should do all my 'leg work' offline and just upload the resuting content to the on-line repositories.
Another less problematic niggle is that sometimes a new pop-up window opens as a black box. It does not render the content. Backing out and retrying normally fixes that but it does become a problem when it happens for several tries. Not even sure just what package to blaim for it but it is obviously somewhere in the display driver process.
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