
Burrell-Nancy-TA1118a.jpg (image/jpeg • 705.4 KB)
Tuesday 05 of May, 2015 (12:01:22 UTC)

Year of Manufacture: 1911. Owners. Prout Family. Works No: 3288. Reg. No. TA 1118. NHP: 7. History: New to James Mander of Mile End, London. To travel his Savage Steam Yachts, this engine saw service with the Dartmoor China Clay Co., during the Great War. She returned to showland service after a conflict in ownership of Joseph Brewer. Cornish ridding master, who laid her up in 1928. She stood exposed to the elements at Indian Queens for forty years, and posed an enormous challenge when finally purchased for restoration. Two previous owners failed to tackle the task before she was purchased by Dave Prout. Who with the help of his family spent the next fourteen years rebuilding her