Product Index

Created by: Lester Caine, Last modification: 14 Dec 2017 (22:43 UTC)

Products Available from the Workshop

LCD Display RevMaster Tachometer

8 Digit, 2x16Digit Simple and 2X16Digit Max/Min display

Large backlight screen version in stockTachometer sensors are compatible with ShumatechEuropeanPrices external inputs 

CNC Component Shop

We are currently working on a number of elements for 'Do it yourself' converson kit to go with a manual CNC ready Taig Mill. This will be able to be used as the basis other small mill and lathe conversions. A range of parts are currently on the shelf or in the kitting stage.
shumatech Logo
Original material will be found at
DRO350 is still available and listed here
DRO550 and DRO375 boards are only being handled by Scott direct
Additional part to complete the DRO550
Additional part to complete the DRO375
DivisionMaster Logo
yadro Logo
Nick's original site is no longer available on-line, so this is my local copy of his original material. A small number of the original images have been missed and if anybody has a copy I would welcome them to complete the archive, but most relate to material we already have newer documentation for.
UK Price List German Price List

Digital Scales

See the SCALES page for cables for Digital Scales.
Currently we have two Conversion Dongles for use with the DRO350 to allow quadrature glass scales or the newer 21bit protocol readout bars.

Computer Control



See the Beginners Guide to CAM and learn as we do.
Cross reference to StepperMotorDrivers IC's
Useful Dictionary Of CNC Terms

micromill Logo
MicroMill Index Page

Micromill support information


Small profile computer with trimmed Windows XP and Mach3 installed and ready to run.
Subect to a design change as the CN13000 is now difficult to obtain, A DG945GCLF is being used instead. This is a 1.6GHz processor which also gives a perfomance boost.

ELS Group
Electronic Lead Screw Controller

Another batch of boards are on their way over ... then we WILL have a go at putting together a finished unit ready to use.

Index of breakout board options

In addition to the C11 boards that we were originally stocking, we now have a couple of other breakout boards available.
EAS Microstep Controller
EAS UHU Servo Driver Module

NCStep Product

3D Step - 3 axis CNC parallel port interface and drivers
For further information follow the links, Projects MainLinks

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