4 Channel Stepper Motor driver - History

Created by: Lester Caine, Last modification: 29 May 2011 (19:21 UTC)

We are making progress on the 3Amp - 4 Channel Stepper Motor driver - Mk4 is now on the bench

Mk4Back Mk4Top

Main change between Mk2 and Mk3 is the provision of a much more practical Breakout Board.
MEDW1000-BOB-Outside MEDW1000-BOB-Inside MEDW0010 Breakout Board
This has been designed speciffically for the controller and properly manages both stepper motor enable, and emergency stop. In addition to the Mach3 Charge Pump, a separate eStop circuit ensures that output can not be enabled until the controller has been reset. Both the emergency stop and reset can be extended remotely, but it is prefered that only the stop signal should be extended, so that the operator has to clear down correctly after an eStop.

The Mk4 is configured using the MEDW 3Amp drivers, but can equally house the 4.2Amp modules from Arc Euro. The next batch of hardware will be built based on a 6mm base plate which will provide an improved heat sink for the drivers, and will be easier to construct as we can used tapped holes to mount the components.

History of development
Mk1 DriverKit1 - Mk2 ControllerSide - Mk3 MEDW1000-Front - Mk4 Mk4Front