Orac conversion

Lester Caine • 15 Jun 2012 (07:25 UTC)

The Orac CNC Lathe which has been sitting on a trolley here for a couple of months has been slowly making progress. The complete electronics bay had already been stripped and the pictures at Orac Gallery show the machine as it arrived here and what had been stripped from it. Given that it had been used as a nest for rodents, it had been decided not to risk the original kit.

The original motor checked out fine, and is now running on one of our small three phase inverters. The steppers also checked out and have been moving under the power of a DMSuper, so a pair of the same drivers will be provided to run them. The next step is to check out the encoder and confirm that is working OK.

Documentation on the kit can be found in the wiki - Orac CNC Lathe