
Created by: Lester Caine, Last modification: 20 Oct 2018 (07:59 UTC)

DS Clock Half Sec Reg

Dick Stephens original design for this clock was intended to be driven by weights, but he found that the weight needed was far heigher than the slended design could handle, so he contacted me to provide a a simple pulsed coil to keep the clock running. The original electronic design had a pair of coils as documented in the first part of the Mode Engineer project, but that was replaced in later designs by a simple fixed pulse each time the pendulum passes over the center of the clock base. A magnet on the pendulum is used to trigger the the pulse via a hall effect switch.

The drive board has been built on vero board as there is little point in making the artworks for a PCB for the small number of boards expected to be required. Details on building your own are also available.


Circuit diagram and parts list to follow .... but can be found in the copy of the article at the bottom

Datasheets on the two semiconductor components are archived here
A1101 Hall Switch A1101
TLC555 Timer IC TLC555Datasheet

Model Engineer Article

Model Engineer - Magnetic Drive Clock - Full

Year Vol Issue Page Author Title Description
2007 198 4293 200 Richard Stephen Magnetic Drive Clock "Describes a new clock to challenge readers. Big balance version, half second pendulum clock, side view, materials required for the half second version, front and back plates, half plate DXFs, cutting out the front and back plates, profiling the plates"
2007 198 4295 326 Richard Stephen Magnetic Drive Clock "Continues with profiling the plates, moves on to wheels and pinions. Back cock, pin wheel, case hardening the pinions, polishing the teeth of the wheels and pinions, pillars, feet blocks, screw covers and washers"
2007 198 4297 446 Richard Stephen Magnetic Drive Clock "Continues with a different type of pinion drive. Fitting the back cock, the pinion drive mechanism, the arbors, the intermediate and centre arbors, pendulum arbor, inserting the roller clutch into the drive housing, arbors and collets"
2007 198 4299 568 Richard Stephen Magnetic Drive Clock "Continues by depthing the wheels. Depthing tool, pin wheel ratchet, pillar, pendulum, base plate, bearing sleeves, dial and furnishings"
2007 198 4301 689 Richard Stephen Magnetic Drive Clock "Describes his CNC method of clock dial making, titanium hands. Engraving tool path, cutter sharpening, motion work and hands, clock base"
2007 199 4303 36 Richard Stephen Magnetic Drive Clock "Concludes the description. The drive coils, drive circuit, coil formers, regulating your clock, regulating the half second version, the circuit set up, setting up the circuit using an oscilloscope, without using an oscilloscope"
2007 199 4305 129   "Clock gremlin 1 (Magnetic Drive Clock, Richard Stephen)" Computer error
2007 199 4305 129   "Clock gremlin 1 (Magnetic Drive Clock, Richard Stephen)" CAD files
2007 199 4305 157 Richard Stephen A cover for your Magnetic Drive Clock Describes how to make
2007 199 4308 321 Richard Stephen New Pendulum drive system (For the magnetic drive clock) "Drive set-up, new drive circuit, component layout, adjusting the pendulum amplitude, constructing the Hall effect drive system, assembling the circuit, mounting & testing the board, the drive, switching magnets and arm, getting the clock running"