ME Index Superba

Superba Fowler Class Z7 and Superba Ploughing Engine in 2 in scale

Created by: Administrator, Last modification: 22 Oct 2009 (20:18 UTC) by Lester Caine
Year Volume Issue Page Notes
1988 161 3830 145 The Z class develops, the Superba engines are born, Superbas at work, the 2 in. scale engine
1988 161 3832 272 The boilers, cylinder mounting pad, tubeplate and backhead positions, the hornplates, the smokebox and perch bracket
1988 161 3834 425 Boiler rubbing plates, smokebox details, fabricating the chimney, right & left-hand hornbrackets
1988 161 3836 552 Expanding tubes, crankshaft and bearings
1988 161 3838 686 Wheel construction - the models, built-up tee rings
1989 162 3840 48 Front and hind wheels, looking at design history, field trials, superheating - rail v field, cylinders for the model
1989 162 3842 168 Slide bar support, motion bracket made-up, regulator construction and control, Salter safety valves
1989 162 3844 288 The valve gear details, Superba's slide valves
1989 162 3846 448 The engine eccentrics, a short reversing lever
1989 162 3848 556 More engine comparisons, gear train data, driving hub and axle
1989 162 3850 712 The model winding drum, ploughing clutch and shafts, gears and clutch teeth, the clutch controls
1989 163 3852 18 A correct coiling gear, full size drum mount, scale gear cutting, epicyclic coiling gear, ploughing rope length
1989 163 3854 161 Front axles and wheels, steering gear, chains and connections
1989 163 3856 278 Gear layout reply, the engine tenders, water storage and supply
1989 163 3858 438 Tender plough hitches, the firebox ashpan, modifications to drum coiling gear, see 181 4082 685
1989 163 3860 578 Old Z7 drive layout, hornbracket mounting, Z7 engine photo, Peter Stanier's class AA6 ploughing engine
1989 163 3862 718 Boiler feed pump, feed pump eccentric drive, exhaust blast pipe and nozzle
1990 164 3864 44 Smokebox superheater, Fowler No.16719 in Australia, smokebox seal unbroken, No.16720, regulator lever, rods and brackets
1990 164 3866 164 The starting valve, the cylinder drain cocks, footboards and motion covers
1990 164 3868 257
1990 164 3870 418 The piping diagram, pressure gauging, boiler cladding and lagging, manhole with cladding
1990 164 3872 546 The awnings, water lifter, oil boxes, oil and grease caps
1990 164 3874 670 Painting and lining out, lining-out patterns